New year, new plans, new dreams!

Welcome to 2016 everyone! If you know me personally, you know I am a planner so when I started to dream up things to come for this year I had a huge to-do list. That’s how I like to start a new year, with a long list of ideas and dreams that can get distilled into a shorter version of the best ones to implement.

Now it’s not just up to me what happens here in a year as we work collaboratively in this studio environment so having all of the jewellers on board for the plans makes them much more successful. To allow us to work this way we hold regular studio meetings where everyone’s input is heard and considered. This may seem like a radical idea for a business to choose to use a collective style without officially being one, but it is a method I strongly believe in and have stuck to since opening. I choose to work with creative people, so I think creative voices should have the opportunity to do what they do best, which is to dream.

2016 will be Jewel Envy’s tenth year in business and boy has it grown over time. It started as a small two person business and has grown to include around a dozen goldsmiths at any one time. As we ramp up to a big 10 year anniversary party near the end of the year we will be holding special events throughout the year to celebrate our customers who have made it possible to not just survive all of these years but to thrive and grow with you.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us and continues to so. Wishing all of you an amazing 2016 full of realized dreams this year!


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