Want to win a $50 gift cerftificate for jewellery, classes or services at Jewel Envy?

We want your input!

We have just added a testimonial page to our website and would love to include some real reviews from our valuable customers. Anyone who writes a short review (minimum 1 sentences, maximum 10 sentences) will be entered into a draw for a $50 gift certificate for jewellery, classes, bench rental, or other in house services provided on site.

To enter please send your one to ten sentence testimonial to info@jewelenvy.ca Please title the email “testimonial”. To enter you must be commenting on your personal experience at Jewel Envy. This can include your experience in a class, with a custom order, with sales from our showroom, with bench rental, with repairs, or anything we may have helped you out with even just by email! By sending us the testimonial you agree that we can use it on our website and any other promotional material we choose at our discretion. We agree to only use your first name for your privacy and to keep all personal information that may identify you to ourselves. Feel free to include a picture of the jewellery we helped you out with if you like.

One entry per person please! We get so much positive feedback in the store, over the phone, and through email so it is about time we let new prospective customers know how much we care about everything we do here!

The draw for the gift certificate will be held in mid March and we will contact you by email. If we don not here back after one week we will draw another name and continue to do so until we give the prize away.

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