Tag: casting
Recycling Gold
Hello to you all on this snowy February day!
I know it is cold out, but this might help warm you up!
Have you ever wondered about recycling gold, and what that is all about? Well, I’m here to give you the down low. The truth is that all goldsmiths recycle their gold and silver. When we end up with enough scraps, we take it to the refiner. They take those scraps and refine them into clean material to be used again!
Sometimes we can reuse our scraps ourselves without going to the refiner. If we have clean scraps – they have to be completely free of solder and and impurities, or it will just taint all of the metal- we can melt them down ourselves and work them into new sheet metal or wire. But usually, we cast with them. This is the same way that we can take old jewellery (but again, it must be completely free old solder and impurities) and make it into new jewellery! When we make anything out of old metal, we have to add at least an equal amount of new metal. After metal has been used once, it starts to get dirty and “tired”, by adding new metal it “refreshes” the old metal so that it can be used again.