Let us celebrate Pride with gems!


Lemon Citrine


Who knows about the average jewellery customer in general and  in our neighbourhood ?
Real data like – how frequently do customers buy , which age group , for what purpose….?
I have to create a customer survey sheet and get information from 50 people ,then analyse the results .
It’s homework for the business classes I am taking , pretty interesting . And time consuming.

Have a wonderful summer solstice

Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day from all of us here at Jewel Envy.
To celebrate dad, here are some photos of great gift ideas handmade here in the studio.

Sterling silver and resin cufflinks by Judith Noldin

Sterling silver cufflinks by Sasha Oda of Archerade

Sterling silver hammered geometric money clip and cufflinks by Amanda Henderson of Jewelust.

Yes we work for ourselves but sometimes we work for other artists as well!

A little while ago Jewel Envy got an unusual referral from someone else in the field. We are no strangers to requests for unique jewellery, grills, and even musical instrument repair but this was for something unexpected…and wonderful.

A painter, Renee Klein, wanted us to use sterling silver cast elements to cover a picture frame in a particular way that she would then use in her painting. On the surface this request may seem rather mundane but when she brought in the pieces and described the scope of the work, the vision was transformed. The frame that we worked on was about 3′ x 2′ and would not have been all that extraordinary had that been the scope of the work. We learned in our meeting with Renee that this would only be a small part of a larger painting which really challenged our usual perception of scale in artwork.

One of our past resident goldsmiths Lauren Hanham  (she recently moved to Burlington, and we miss her daily) took on this project with insight and enthusiasm.

What amazed when presented with a picture of the final piece was the scale of the work and the vibrancy. I love how the interior picture frame captures your attention and draws you in for a close-up of flora, like a zoom lens, in the midst of the larger picture.

Thank you Renee for contacting us and letting us help bring your vision to your canvas!

For more of Renee’s work visit her site here:

Helena Perez Lafaurie

I spent a rainy and overcast Sunday in the studio playing dress-up. Helena’s work is playful and fun to wear, and really speaks to my textured-silver esthetic.
Here is a sneak peek:

Chunky silver with a light blue centre. Does it get any better? For a cocktail ring, this is the perfect focal point for your pretty hands (and hopefully they are pretter than mine!)

The detail on this bracelet is pretty amazing, and the charms help you make an entrance with their jingling sounds ðŸ™‚
 This necklace has medallion details, and can be worn long or layered.

If you have been paying attention, you may have noticed that these charms are also on the bracelet pictured above. Here they are on a chain to be worn as pendants.

Come in and see these beauties in person!
ps hi Rhonda!

Hello everybody !
It’s a beautiful day in downtown Toronto and
Jewel Envy is quite busy.
Morning and afternoon classes,
customers browsing and dropping off repairs.
And me struggling with a retail computer system.
Oh boy – SO much to learn.
Alexis is super patient , helping me a lot.
Jewel Envy is just the best.

Have a great weekend

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