Sunny Saturday, sunny news

I had some exciting news this week, that I’m so happy to share with you—I’ve just found out that I’ve been accepted to participate in the Toronto Outdoor Artfair this year (I will be joined by a couple of my colleagues, but that’s not my story to tell!).  You may or may not know about these things, but as a relatively junior goldsmith (in terms of length of career so far!), it’s a pretty big deal for me to get into a juried show.  Honestly, I think even when I’m old and grey(er), I’ll still get a big charge out of it, that’s just kind of the way I am!

Me, looking excited, you just can’t tell, because I’m wearing a mask :). Actually, it’s from a few weeks ago, but I was very excited the day I found out!

What’s a juried show? you say.  Well, a juried show means that the show/sale/exhibition is curated, and there is a competitive process involved in being accepted to participate.  You have to tell them who you are and what you’re about, you need to submit professional looking images of your work and say what you will be exhibiting/selling.  Then a panel of people looks at all the applicants and judges you (eek!). I find it a bit nerve wracking, even though it’s not (usually) an in-person process.  You just have to wait for the answer about whether you’ve been accepted or not to eventually pop up in your email. (To be honest, this is shorter than in science—I’ve written research grants that take up to a year to get an answer about, art/craft shows are usually a couple or a few months—thankfully for my finger nails!!)

Anyway, I hope that you will check the show out between July 2nd and 11th (there will be more info in the future from the Blue House about this in the appropriate newsletter).  Sadly this year will be virtual again, but I always enjoy attending (even if it’s from my armchair) as a browser/buyer, and hope you will too!

It’s a beautiful, sunny day in Roncy this Saturday, so I hope you’re able to take advantage of it!  Good luck getting your covid vaccination, and stay safe, as ever.  We are looking forward to welcoming you back into the studio in person sometime (hopefully) soon, but in the meantime, keep in touch-send us an email, comment on something you’ve seen on Instagram, or facebook, let us know how you’re doing, we love hearing from you!


House of Cassady

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