Pre-Columbian Jewellery

Hello Sunday Readers,

Today I will talk a little bit about one of my favorite themes, jewellery
It is very special to me because the theme is Pre-Columbian
Jewellery, and I’m Colombian.
One of the four most advanced civilizations of the
Americas apart from the 
AztecsMayans, and Incans, was the Muisca civilization on
 in the Eastern
Colombian Andes
The Muisca (or Chibchacivilization flourished in
ancient Colombia between 600 and 1600 CE. Their territory encompassed what is
now Bogotá and its environs, and they have gained lasting fame as the origin of
El Dorado legend. The
Muisca have also left a significant artistic legacy with their superb 
gold work, and much of the excellence of this work has never been reached by any other Americas culture.

The most well-known piece of this
civilization is The Muisca Ralf, which is exhibited at the 
Gold Museum in Bogota. It is a lost-wax
 in gold with a small amount of copper.

The Muisca Raft

It represents the ceremony of
investiture of the Muisca chief, which used to take place at 

The raft was found by three farmers in
early 1969 in a cave in the village of Lázaro Fonte in the municipality
Pasca (Cundinamarca), Colombia,
in a ceramic pot, adorned with a human figure whose face has sharp teeth.

Typical Muisca designs include spirals and other geometric,
inter-locking forms. Also produced were ceramics (including clay figures) and
carved semi-precious stones. 

                                      Muisca’s Charms Braceler. Sterling Silver.

All this heritage full of meaning and unavailable richness has been passed down through generations and is part of the pride of being Colombian. And in a
miraculous way, it has come to my hands and imagination to help me
transform materials into wonderful things!

Have a nice
Muisca Raft,
History Encyclopedia

Splurge or Save!


At JewelEnvy we share the working space between 12 resident goldsmiths and we have all nationalities! Am French and this collection is inspired by the Parisian doors, so naturally I called it « Paris ». 

Am looking after the retail today, come and say hello, we would love to meet you and for you to try it for yourself!, We also have plenty of other amazing pieces….

The « Paris » Collection by Ivane Thiebaut


Have a fantastic day!

Saying hello to Canada!

Hi, I’m Mauricio, recently moved to Canada from Colombia to learn about fashion business and to build my own, Canada offers a huge variety of sourcing for materials, semiprecious gemstones can be found at hiking, exploring and free mining and can be worked into beautiful pieces, something I look forward to include in my work.

I’m really looking forward to everyone to get to know and fall in love with my work!

Harem Royal

I just came across a jewellery design house called Harem Royal, and wanted to share some of their work with you. The richness of the colours is so amazing, and softens the sharp lines and somewhat mechanical nature of the pieces. The style makes me think of steampunk insects, beautiful yet dangerous. What inspiring work! It is so refreshing to come across artists whose style is so vastly different from my own – it reminds me that this world is filled with so many talented people, and so many beautiful things. 
Happy Sunday everybody!

(all images via and

Why we love spring!

We love spring here at Jewel Envy….

Flowers are in full bloom, butterflies are flying and new jewellery collections also come to life after a long winter and the mad rush of the year end and valentine’s day! Inspiration from mother nature is shining all around us, and in Toronto, it is also the time gloves, scarves and hats come off at last and your jewellery and maybe a bit of skin can be revealed.
Spring is the time of weddings, parties and patio lounging, and today is also mother’s day!

Happy Mother’s day top all the wonderful mums out there!
Flowers are wonderful but jewellery last forever…. why not get her or treat yourself today to some new pieces of jewellery

There is still time to come and check them out in person….I will be at the studio today until 6pm!

Mother’s Day is next weekend~!

Before our classes would run as frequently as they do here now at Jewel Envy the goldsmiths would invite our moms to the studio for a creative day of jewellery making. A day to bond and be creative together and take on the roll of teaching our moms a thing or two ;o)

Alexis Kostuk (me), Rhonda Kostuk (my mom!) Marusha Kostuk (my sister :oP)

As the studio has evolved we have reserved the day to teach other people’s moms… if you’re searching for an experience you know your mom will love go here to sign up for a 1/2 day class on Mother’s Day. – Alexis

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