Small Sample

      All sorts of pearls, stones, and interesting things here a Jewel Envy from the in house jewelers! Everyone has their own style and creative ways to make new designs.
This is just a small sample come on over to see all the handcrafted work!

Hope to see you soon!

Hidden Gems!

Hey all!

The in house Jewellers were asked to expose
their beautiful gems stones that were hidden away at their benches!
This is a great way for customers to get inspired and gives these gems a
new life!

Come on in and see what kind of wonderful things can be made. Maybe a pair of earrings or a pendant, perhaps a ring?
The possibilities are endless!

Thanks and we hope to see you!

Edgy Elegant

Check out Darija Radic’s new earrings!

Elegant yet different, perfect for a person that has an edgy style and needs a nice pair of earrings for an outing or just because!

Come to jewel Envy to see more of the bullet collection!

over and out!


Forever Young

Young Ko is one of our resident goldsmiths here at Jewel Envy.  She loves working with cocobolo wood, and I thought I would share a few of her super pieces with you.
Take a look!

So interesting and unique, and I love the contrast between the cool silver and warm wood.  She has lots of other pieces available at the studio as well, but you’ll have to come in to see them for yourself!
Happy Saturday y’all

Jewellery of Gillian’s Wedding – Grand Finale!

Here it is… the post you’ve been waiting for!
The fabulous bride and groom, and the jewellery they wore! I’m sure you already guessed that the jewellery would spectacular, and you won’t be disappointed!

Here are the lovely couple!
Matthew is holding Gillian’s bouquet, which is not made of real flowers, it is made of gemstone flower brooches! What a perfect bouquet for a goldsmith!

Just look at that gorgeous filigree necklace! It was handmade in 18K gold by the Gillian herself. Those lovely sparkling gems are mutli-coloured sapphires (Gillian’s favourite gemstone).

And those earrings!
They were custom-made for Gillian by her friend and bridesmaid (and Jewel Envy’s manager), Alexis Kostuk (Glacial Jewellery). They are made of sterling silver, white sapphire, aquamarine, and resin.

(Photo by Mark Anthony Studios)

 Not to be out-done… 
Here is Matthew, wearing cufflinks that he designed! During one of our Jewel Envy events, Matthew carved a wax (inspired by the X-Men logo), which Gillian then cast in sterling silver.
Each of Matthew’s groomsmen received a gift of either cufflinks or a lapel pin with this design.
Here’s a shot of the back of Gillian’s dress. She worked with the dress designer to create her stunning dress, and they planned this sapphire chain into the design.
 Gillian also wore rings that were all symbolic to her and that represented her family.
Left pinky: This ring was given to her by her mom when she was young. It actually belonged to her mom as a child. It is carved and painted ivory.
Left ring finger: A gift from her paternal grandparent’s for her Bat Mitzvah.
Left middle: The gold band was her maternal grandmother’s wedding band.
The heart ring was a gift from her maternal grandfather when she was a teen.
Left index: This cameo was Gillian’s “something borrowed” from her mom’s cameo collection.
This watch that Gillian wore represented her maternal grandmother.
And… the moment we’ve all been waiting for….
The rings!

These rings were all custom made within Jewel Envy by Amanda Henderson of Jewelust and Gillian (Pash).

Engagement ring– This 18K palladium white gold ring was designed with a special concept that Matthew came up with. He wanted the ring to represent their two separate paths (the side of the ring with the claws are those paths) that join together at that magic moment in life, when two individuals find each other and fall in love (represented by the 1.75ct blue diamond), and then continue growing together, for the rest of their lives, in love (the joined path of sapphires that are not only graduated in size, but also in colour- getting brighter as they grow together). I had the pleasure of working on this ring with Matthew. We went through several designs together. I carved several rings, and we sat down and decided what we liked about each design, and what we should tweak. The result was a funky, colourful ring, just like Gillian!

Wedding bands– The bands were made by Gillian using a technique that she specializes in called Mokume Gane. The patterns are made by soldering together two different coloured metals, rolling them flat, cutting them in half, and soldering them together again. This process is continued until the desired number of layers is achieved (usually 16-32). The layered metal is then twisted, filed, or punched to create variation in the layers, and that changes the patterning. Then the bands are formed from this patterned metal and soldered together. Matthew’s band is made out of 18K palladium white gold and sterling silver, and Gillian’s is made out of 18K yellow gold, palladium, and blue diamonds to match her engagement ring.

Thanks so much for following the Jewellery of Gillian and Matthew’s wedding. It was a beautiful day, and we look forward to many more happy days with the two love birds!


Juicy Gemstones

Oh hey, hai you guys!  
I just wanted to share a bit of a sneak peek.  I have decided to add a lot more colour to my jewellery, 
so I picked up a few pieces of rough gemstone this week.
Getting stones custom-cut isn’t necessarily cheap, but it adds so much to the design and value of the piece.  Plus, I love getting EXACTLY what I want.  You know?
Take a look at these beauties:
Rainbow obsidian, rhodochrosite, amazonite, chrysoprase, ruby, larimar, lapis, and orange calcite.
Can you tell which is which?!
Stay tuned, I will definitely update with the finished products within the next few weeks.  Yay!
xx sash.
PS – I want a million dollars to spend on more gemstones!

Making band ring requires a lot of skill and creativity. I am looking forward to see my students finishing them up tonight. They used what they learned in first class, which is saw and piercing and applied on their first project. It is going to be busy busy for us in the evening. 

Ellen Tsai

What do you want to be when you grow up?

What do you want to be when you grow up? Such a common question asked when growing up. Some people just know what they want to be, but for others it can take years. It took me 27 years to figure it out, however once I did, I have not looked back.

Today I am just like every other struggling student in Canada, trying to “make it” in the world. I am a student at Vancouver Community Collage taking the two year Jewellery Art and Design program. It has been a life changing experience so far. My first year has been completed, what to do, what to do. One of my wonderful teachers Karin Jones sent out an email that Jewel Envy based in Toronto, was looking for a summer intern. After a lot of thought I decided I have nothing to loose, yet so much to gain. this would be a great way to keep learning over the summer, and to work with other more experienced jewellers.

I sent in my application and hoped for the best. After playing the waiting game and having a wonderful phone interview with Gillian Batcher I finally got the internship. I was so happy when I read the email of acceptance I literally jumped across the classroom yelling I got the internship.

Jewel Envy has some amazing designers, friendly atmosphere and great teachers. Every day I am learning something new. They understand how to work with beginners like myself. I have till the end of August with them. I am very excited for my second year at VCC, however I know I will miss the Jewel Envy family.   

If you are in Toronto and would like to explore the art of making jewellery then I recommend taking a look at Jewel Envy’s classes.

Sheetal K. Naicker

Tool Shed

Last week I went up to our family cottage with my Mom in Deanlea Beach. I love cottages, they have the best memories and the best stories. My Grandfather built this cottage in 1959 so it’s acquired quite a few over the years. Cottages are also the best places to find treasures. I love going through drawers and boxes but usually I stay out of the shed and just stick to the cottage itself. Last week my Mom was painting the shed (I helped, I swear!) so there was a bit of extra focus in that particular area. I can’t help myself, my Mom and I started nosing around and I ended up emptying a drawer labeled “Grandpa’s Tools”. I don’t know if you know this but jewellers LOVE tools. Well, I’m a jeweller (obviously) and I love tools and I love anything antique or vintage. Put those together and I’m in heaven! So I thought I would share with you all the cool looking things we found in that drawer. Enjoy!

Vice grips, wooden level, sharpening stone, lock
Various wrenches
More wrenches and a piece of a monkey wrench
Never seen wrenches like this before but they are super cool looking
Chisels and screwdrivers
Hammers! So many awesome rusty hammers.
Shears, tire iron and steel brush
Antique blowtorch!
Made in Canada? That’s how you know it’s super old.

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