8 Week Gemsetting Wednesday January 24th, 2024

This class has a material fee of $200 plus hst. Students receive a kit of 6 cast pieces in sterling silver, calibrated synthetic gemstones for the settings, as well as the burs needed for the settings. Students will also make 2 of their own setting tools in the class.

Fun with Flush Setting!

I’ve been teaching how to create flush settings in my Gem Setting course recently and decided to have some fun with one of the samples and to share it here!

Flush settings are a very versatile setting style which can be applied on almost any surface, though they work best on curved surfaces. You can also flush set just about any shape of stone, though round stones are most common.

This little guy was created using some random Cubic Zirconia we had laying around, and a small synthetic ruby for his clown nose!


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