50th TOAE

Last weekend, Gillian, Theresa (our intern @Jewel Envy), and I participated in Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition at Phillips Square. The sun was very strong to stand outside but it was the perfect weather for outdoor show. Lucky! 
Rosalyn’s booth, photo by kat

My booth was a bit apart from the centre where it was most crowded, but overall I had good traffic of people who visited my booth. It was a good experience to hear lots and lots of good or bad comments coming out from thousands of fresh eyes, because when you are out of school and begin working in a studio creating your own work, it is hard to imagine how it would look to other people. Most of the comments that I received over the weekend gave me so much inspirations and motivations to create new works. So, I hope you all stay tuned for more of my new exciting pieces to inspire you back.

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