December Birthstone Jewellery

Turquoise, Tanzanite, Zircon

December is just around the corner! Birthstones for December include turquoise, tanzanite, blue topaz, and zircon. Take a look at some of the beautiful jewellery made by our resident goldsmiths featuring blue topaz and turquoise!

Necklace featuring blue topaz by Aurora Simmons (Handmade Revolution)

Necklace with blue topaz and 14K gold by Aurora Simmons (Handmade Revolution)

Bangle featuring blue topaz by Robin Cassady-Cain (House of Cassady)

Carved turquoise ring with pink tourmaline by Alexis Kostuk (Glaciale Goldsmith)

Ring with turquoise and green tourmalines by Alexis Kostuk (Glaciale Goldsmith)

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