Holiday Shopping From The Other Side Of The Counter

It is the last few days of mayhem in the studio before the quiet of the holiday season is enforced. Last minute orders are still coming if for what we jokingly but lovingly call jewellery emergencies. Some last minute shoppers have that panicked look on their faces while others have achieved a calm nirvana like state of mind as this is their usual routine.

Either way I always enjoy the process of hearing about the loved ones that gifts are being considered for and pulling selections of work to show based on the details you share. Each time a customer comes in, it is like a mini challenge presented to help find the perfect gift. When I am successful, I see a sparkle in your eyes, when not I try to figure out what permutation to try next to chase down that glint that says this is the gift they will love.

After a sale is complete I get to let the artist know someone has picked their work and it is on it’s way home to be wrapped and presented for the holidays. This is perhaps the best moment as a maker to know that not only did someone want your work, they thought it perfect for someone else too, that’s like double the positive reinforcement!

I guess what this boils down to, is a thank you to everyone who has supported local handmade goods this year. We are proud makers but also love seeing our creations enjoyed. So go forth this holiday wearing beautiful handcrafted items and know your support means the world to us!


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