Intro Fabrication Class

Hello all ~ First of all, I want to thank my students, Monika and Ann learning patiently with me in 8 weeks intro-fabrication class. Jewellery fabrication require lots of patient and focus. There are lots of details we need to be aware of while making our own jewellery. It may sounds a little too much, but NO!!! You guys did it so well! I am very proud of you guys whom conquered all difficulties.
Here are my students final projects. They chose to do bangle. It is interesting to see how they come up with different design with characteristic of their own.

Work by Ann Hart
Ann decided to use saw and piercing technique to create a sense of negative and positive surface. Her inspiration was came from her last name, ” Heart”/ Hart. It is her symbolic sign to her, and she is also a very passionate lady!
Good Job!

Work by Monika Weber
Monika applied many techniques that she learned in classes. There are saw and piercing, riveting and soldering. She created depth while riveting brass circles on top of sterling silver bangle. Circles are in different sizes to show an excitement of 2D surface.
Great Work!

The next intro-fabrication has started. I am very excited to see what works they will come up with.
to be continued…….

ChiaChien Tsai

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