Hello friends! If you are a lover of gemstones, then you might be familiar with tourmaline. Oh, beautiful tourmaline. It is a semi-precious gemstone with elongated prismatic crystals, and depending on the elements present, it comes in a multitude of different colours. The most common colours are shades of pink and green – my favourite tourmaline is of the watermelon variety, which is a beautiful combination of the two.
Here are some tourmaline crystals.

 Some beautiful watermelon tourmaline crystals. I especially love the deep pink colour of the stone second from the right. Sooo pretty!

A stunning watermelon tourmaline ring in gold, with diamond accents
We love doing custom work here, and it is even more exciting when we get to work with beautiful stones! It’s probably time to start thinking about your new tourmaline jewellery collection:)

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