Happy weekend everyone! It’s a beautiful sunny day, so I hope you are out and about and enjoying yourself! If you feel like treating yourself to the sunshine and some jewellery, I have a few suggestions😊 It’s save vs splurge saturday of course, so you can treat yourself a little, or you can treat yourself a lot.
These amaaaaazing druzy rings are by Alexis Kostuk of Glaciale Goldsmith. Druzy is a fine coating of crystals on the surface of a gemstone – in this case it’s quartz druzy.
First up is this little gem. Simple and classic, but with some sweet detail around the stone to complement that sparkle. Sterling silver with quartz druzy, $125+hst.
 And for the splurge – nobody will miss this bad boy on your hand! It’s a showstopper for sure, with one gorgeous freeform centre stone, and square accent stones on either side. Sterling silver with quartz druzy, $590+hst.

And here they are side by side. The big stone on the left photographed quite dark, but it is much lighter in person – you really must come in to take a look yourself!

Enjoy the sun, but don’t forget the spf! xx

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