Happy Birthday Canada!!!
If you’re not making jewellery for Canada’s birthday, then I’m afraid you just aren’t celebrating properly. To help you prepare for next year, here is a mini lesson in Canada’s favourite pastime – making stacking rings. Now pay attention!
I like to start off with round wire, which I roll down just a bit. This gives the rings a nice comfort fit. In this case, I am using 12 gauge wire, which is about 2mm in diameter.
After carefully calculating the required length, cut the ring blanks and file all the edges to 90 degrees. When making super skinny rings, I tend to cut the blanks about a quarter size too small to account for stretching (because I don’t know my own mallet strength) and clean-up.
Using ring bending or half-round pliers, shape each blank into a ‘D’ shape. The two ends should meet perfectly to ensure a good solder seam. Be careful to use the pliers as leverage with your fingers doing most of the bending, or you will mark your metal.
Next, solder the rings using hard or medium solder. Make sure the solder flows all the way through the seam.
File away the excess solder from the seam, and hammer the rings round on the mandrel using the mallet. I like to start off by hammering around the ring towards the seam from both sides. Make sure the rings are the correct size!
Once the rings are round, I use a combination of files, sawblades, and diamond burs to make different patterns and texture. Then it’s time for some light-clean up and voila!
Have a great weekend!