Well, Valentine’s Day may be over, but I think it’s always the season of love! I thought today I’d talk a bit about different symbols of love. Symbols that have been realised in jewellery, include the Claddagh ring (traditional Irish ring for love, loyalty and friendship).

Roses are another popular symbol, and I love the way the different colours mean different things (you can read about some modern interpretations here, although there are lots of other places to find information about this!).
Of course, there’s always the ever popular heart shape (the ideograph and the anatomically correct)!

The infinity symbol is also quite popular!

Perhaps less well known are the shell and apple. Of course, there are lots of others, these are but a few examples.
I’m just going to finish off with one of my favourites: the Welsh love spoon. I saw these for the first time on a trip to Wales some number of years ago, and the images of them have stuck with me since. Romance and I have been on a bit of a break, but I’m feeling inspired, so there might be some new designs in my future based on these….

In any case, have a great Saturday! Until next time!